Planning Process Part 2: Designing Your Custom-Crafted Immersive Journey

Welcome to the second part of our signature planning process series with Biophilia Travel Designs. In Part 1, we looked at how to get started with our personalized travel planning service and secure your spot. In Part 2, we delve into the exciting phase of designing your custom itinerary. Let’s take a closer look at the process that goes into crafting an unforgettable travel experience designed just for you.

We Design:

As your travel design start date arrives, I’ll immediately get to work to meticulously craft your preliminary itinerary. My research process is extensive and draws upon a variety of trusted resources and travel partners to ensure we curate the perfect experience for you.

Using the valuable feedback you’ve provided, I’ll begin researching which of our trusted partners will offer the ideal experiences that align with your preferences. Our vast network includes destination specialists, hotels, tour operators, cruise lines, and even specialty service providers. Additionally, I leverage the expertise of other travel advisors and the valuable insights from Virtuoso’s Sustainability Community. With this collective knowledge, I begin shaping a custom itinerary that I believe will exceed your expectations.

Throughout the initial design phase, we carefully consider your specific needs and preferences. Your itinerary may encompass various elements such as flights, accommodations, transportation, activities, private guides/drivers, guided tours, cruises, and travel insurance. We use all available resources to craft a comprehensive and tailored itinerary that caters to your unique travel desires.

Presentation & Revision:

At the end of the initial design phase, I’ll present you with 1-2 customized itinerary options, depending on the nature of your trip. For fully custom trips, I’ll typically provide one itinerary, while trips involving a group component, such as group tours, cruises, or river cruises, may receive up to two options. These itineraries are presented to you in a user-friendly format, such as a PDF and/or personalized website.

Your custom itinerary encompasses not only a day-to-day breakdown but also detailed information on inclusions/exclusions, investment and payment details, sustainability efforts, travel protection, and terms & conditions for each component. For particularly detailed proposals, we may even provide a video walkthrough, guiding you step-by-step through the entire itinerary.

Once you have had the opportunity to review your proposal, we offer multiple channels for feedback and communication. Whether through email or a scheduled video chat, we are available to address any questions or concerns you may have. We value your input and aim to refine your trip based on your personal preferences until it is a perfect fit for you. If needed, we are ready to go back to the drawing board and explore new options or make adjustments to specific aspects of your itinerary.

Finalizing & Moving Forward:

Once your itinerary is perfect (which often happens on the first round!), and you have officially approved it, we move forward with booking and managing your trip.

Designing your custom itinerary with Biophilia Travel Designs is a meticulous and collaborative process. We invest significant time and effort into researching and crafting the perfect travel experience for you. In Part 3, we will explore the next phase of our planning process, where we bring your dream itinerary to life. 

This is part two of a 4-part series that takes an in-depth look at our signature planning process:

Part 1: Starting Your Journey with Biophilia Travel Designs
Part 2: Designing Your Custom-Crafted Immersive Journey
Part 3: Booking and Managing Your Dream Trip
Part 4: Making Dreams a Reality

'Where the Wild Things Are' Issue of Virtuoso Traveler

A look at eco hotels, expedition cruises, and active adventures in the great outdoors. Download the issue to spark your imagination and inspire your next journey.

Hi, I'm Nicole

I’m a passionate wildlife conservationist—and I believe that responsible travel has the power to save the planet. In my former career as a zookeeper, I had the great privilege of caring for some remarkable endangered creatures. Today, I help my clients see these creatures up close—and in doing so, reflect on their place in the world, and how they can help preserve it.

Learn more about my journey to planning sustainable, life-affirming travel—and the one travel experience that changed my perspective forever: 

Nice to meet you!



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