How to Make Travel a Priority: Tips and Strategies

Travel is a wonderful way to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and create unforgettable memories. You know you want to travel but struggle to make travel a priority in your life. Between work, family obligations, and financial constraints, it can be difficult to find the time and resources to plan a trip. What you need is a solid plan to make travel a priority. 

  1. Set travel goals: Start by setting specific travel goals for yourself. Do you want to visit a particular destination, learn a new language, or try a new type of cuisine? By setting goals, you’ll have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and can start taking steps to make it happen.
  2. Make a travel budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend on travel and make a budget that includes transportation, accommodation, food, and activities.
  3. Create a travel fund: Once you have a budget, create a dedicated travel fund and contribute to it regularly. 
  4. Plan ahead: Planning ahead is key to making travel a priority. Start researching your destination well in advance, and start making arrangements for transportation, accommodations, and activities. This will give you plenty of time to save money, take time off work, and make necessary arrangements.
  5. Make a commitment: Set aside time in your schedule and make it a non-negotiable part of your life. By prioritizing travel, you’ll be more likely to make it happen and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.
  6. Plan with a travel advisor: A travel advisor can help prioritize travel by providing personalized recommendations, saving time and energy, accessing insider knowledge, and offering peace of mind. By working with a travel advisor, you can make travel a more achievable and rewarding part of your life.

If you want to get serious about making travel a priority in your life, it requires a combination of planning, flexibility, and creativity. Planning any sort of travel is a huge undertaking, but taking those first steps is often the biggest hurdle.

'Where the Wild Things Are' Issue of Virtuoso Traveler

A look at eco hotels, expedition cruises, and active adventures in the great outdoors. Download the issue to spark your imagination and inspire your next journey.

Hi, I'm Nicole

I’m a passionate wildlife conservationist—and I believe that responsible travel has the power to save the planet. In my former career as a zookeeper, I had the great privilege of caring for some remarkable endangered creatures. Today, I help my clients see these creatures up close—and in doing so, reflect on their place in the world, and how they can help preserve it.

Learn more about my journey to planning sustainable, life-affirming travel—and the one travel experience that changed my perspective forever: 

Nice to meet you!



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